Main Committee

President - Joycelyn Xie (81891958)

Vice President - Fizifirdaus (91195009)

Captain - Hu Bin (90890381)

Captain - Wen Jie (98295010)

Secretary - Bibiyana (82238501)

Quarter-Master & Treasurer - Thwe Ni (81381993)


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Red: Formal Training
Pink: School Training
Purple: The 10th Training
Orange: Events

Friday, February 10, 2012

Fees and $2

Please pay your fees if you haven't. Pay them to Thwe Ni if possible.
If not, contact the rest of us, IF NOT ~, pay directly to the gym.

The gym fee's 55. All of us will have to fund 2 bucks for every 10 sessions.
The funding is important. It's our little savings bank.
If you'd like to know how the $'s spent etc, please go ahead and ask Thwe Ni, we've nothing to keep from yall.

We'll be getting skipping ropes soon so~, other than that, if yall'd like anything else, please request. We'll see how we can go about getting the equipment or whateverelse.

Take care again!

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