Main Committee

President - Joycelyn Xie (81891958)

Vice President - Fizifirdaus (91195009)

Captain - Hu Bin (90890381)

Captain - Wen Jie (98295010)

Secretary - Bibiyana (82238501)

Quarter-Master & Treasurer - Thwe Ni (81381993)


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Red: Formal Training
Pink: School Training
Purple: The 10th Training
Orange: Events

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hi all,

The clubroom is a nice place to slack, true. BUT, it doesn't mean you can as and where just bring your friends who aren't part of SPMT to go into the clubroom. The seniors fought for the clubroom for SPMT and not for the whole of Singapore. I want everyone to take note. Senior or Junior.

Also, up till Wednesday (30/11) Don't use the blankets or pillows in the clubroom. They are really dirty. You can smell them if you want. But you can just sit on the mats till then.

I need help for the new equipments this Wednesday too. If you are part of SPMT, please help out lah. And reply the texts that any of us sent out. It pisses us off that when it comes to this kind of things, you guys won't reply. But whatever else, you all would reply in an instant. So please, cooperate with the old and new committee. Thank you!! :D


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