Main Committee

President - Joycelyn Xie (81891958)

Vice President - Fizifirdaus (91195009)

Captain - Hu Bin (90890381)

Captain - Wen Jie (98295010)

Secretary - Bibiyana (82238501)

Quarter-Master & Treasurer - Thwe Ni (81381993)


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Red: Formal Training
Pink: School Training
Purple: The 10th Training
Orange: Events

Friday, September 19, 2008

NTU Self Defense Seminar‏

Hi all,

NTU Muay Thai will be holding its Annual Self-Defense Seminar at Fight G and we would like to extend our invitation to your clubs.

I feel that learning self-defense is as important as learning how to swim. You will never know when you may find yourself stuck in a threatening situation. Be it a hostile confrontation, knife attack, or gang attack, this seminar aims to equip you with the skills and knowledge to save your life when such situations arise.

Usually, such seminars are priced at around $100 for corporate clients. However as this is a university event, a special fee of only $20 will be charged. This seminar will be conducted by head coach of FightG, Darren De Silva, also the creator of the F.E.A.R self defense system. Details are as follows.


20th September, Saturday
Fight G, North Canal Road, Clark Quay
$20 per pax

Please reply to to confirm your participation so that a vacancy will be reserved for you. Feel free to forward this email to your friends or family as this seminar is opened to all!

Jerry Lee
NTU Muay Thai

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