Main Committee

President - Joycelyn Xie (81891958)

Vice President - Fizifirdaus (91195009)

Captain - Hu Bin (90890381)

Captain - Wen Jie (98295010)

Secretary - Bibiyana (82238501)

Quarter-Master & Treasurer - Thwe Ni (81381993)


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Orange: Events

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

BJJ Seminar!!

BJJ Seminar@Fight G

Click to enlarge!

Date: 20th July 2008
Time: 11am to 1pm
Venue: Fight G MMA Academy (click to view address of Fight G)
Price: $50

Yup, there will be a BJJ Gi Seminar by David Hart, the head instructor of Dominance Mixed Martial Arts, Australia. In the recent 2008 Pan-American BJJ Championship, he clinched the silver medal of his weight class. It's definitely a great honour to have a BJJ Brown belt right here in Singapore to give a seminar!

Oh yes please note, the price is $50, not $65!

So what're you waiting for? Put your Gi on, get rolling. This Sunday, 20th July.

Feel free to contact Brenden @ 94781100!


Anonymous said...

hi.. i would like to find out that people wearing braces are able to join muaythai or bjj ?

SP Muay Thai said...

Hi Rey,

Well when I first joined Muay Thai last year I was wearing braces too! And the President of the BJJ club wears braces.

So I guess that kinda answers your question. Yes, you can still join both sports!

Anonymous said...

wouldnt the sport break the braces??

SP Muay Thai said...

Hmmm break the braces?

Not really. There is mouth guard to wear, and I think your lips/gum will be injured first before the braces break=/

But then again, use a mouth guard!